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IDENTIV Booth #13089
March 24, 2023 – From the desk of David Smith.
Identity One has created the next generation of FIPS 201-compliant software for mobile validation and registration to PACS (Physical Access Control Systems). As a FICAM certified solution, FIPSlink from Identity One registers and validates CAC, PIV, PIV-I, TWIC and CIV credentials for U.S. Federal civilian agencies, the Department of Defense, Ports and Harbors, the Chemical Energy Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Defense Contractors. FIPSlink is an essential tool for addressing the compliance standards of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).
FIPSlink functionality includes:
- Touchless Biometrics for CAC, PIV & TWIC
- Mobile Validation, Access Control and Mustering for CAC, PIV & TWIC
- CIV and PIV-I issuance for contractors and visitors
- Derived credential issuance and tracking
- FICAM certified Registration and Validation
To learn more about what we do, meet with Identity One’s team at the ISC West trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada from March 28-31, 2023.
Visit our partners IDENTIV Booth #13089 or contact Trent White trent.white@identityone.net | 470.338.7453 to schedule a time and place.
HSPD-12 Background
Advanced security measures that were introduced into the U.S. government as a result of the 2004 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) changed the way the U.S. Government considered physical and logical access control solutions. Long before “zero trust” entered the security industry lexicon, the U.S. government was issuing trusted “secure and reliable forms of identification” that could be “authenticated electronically” both for logical access and physical access across the entire Federal Government. The security industry responded to this new level of security by providing hardware and software solutions that authenticated these identities carried on a “chip” card.
Nearly two decades later, Identity One offers integrators and end users a cost-effective and operationally efficient FIPS 201-compliant solution addressing the concerns raised by HSPD-12, in order to assist PACS that require the use of any PKI-based smart card formatted per the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 201-3) to authenticate such cards when attempting to gain access at a secure portal.