Next Generation FIPS 201 @ SIA GovSummit 2023
May 11, 2023 – Atlanta, GA.
Identity One is exhibiting our Next Generation FIPS 201 Solutions at the SIA GovSummit 2023 in Washington DC May 16th to May 17th 2022. Our Next Generation FIPS 201 Solutions will be available for demonstration on the show floor.
In addition to exhibiting, Identity One Founder and CEO, David Smith, is on a panel on Tuesday May 16th at 11:15am to discuss the pathway for Federal Government adoption of Facial Biometrics which was recently added to FIPS 201-3.
David Smith, Identity One CEO and Co-founder said, “The SIA GovSummit is the official unveiling of our Next Generation FIPS 201 capabilities that we have been creating for the last 5 years. Our early adopters have been a critical component in how the functionality has been crafted and making our FIPSlink solution government and US armed forces ready. I am proud of the technology our team has created”.
What is Next Generation FIPS 201?
- Face biometrics for verifications at registration and time of access (FIPS 201-3 Compliance): Use the face image from PIV & CAC instead of fingerprint. This is seamlessly integrated between PIV readers and face biometrics cameras by FIPSlink reader services.
- Mobile validation & registration anywhere anytime: Register and validate on Windows, Android, desktops, laptops, handhelds and tablets. FIPSlink has the widest operating system and hardware platform support of any registration & validation system. Easily incorporate high assurance physical and logical access control for forward and advance deployments.
- PIV compliant temporary Visitor Cards: Issue high assurance PIV compliant cards to visitors, contractors and new hires that work seamlessly with your existing reader infrastructure including user assigned pins and biometrics. Issues validity period of as low as 1 hour and up to multi-year. Reuse the card when it has expired.
- Derived Credentials: Store and access 3rd party system credentials using FIPS 140-2 Level 3 encryption secured by PIV & CAC cards.
- Physical and Logical Convergence: Registrations and Validations in are shared to physical access control systems and logical identity management systems.
- Visitor Management: Visitors that are approved pre-register and their high assurance card is ready to go when they arrive. Escort required rules are automatically set in the physical access control system.
- Integration and Customization: Identity One FIPSlink is integration ready using the latest REST based technologies and our engineers can customize screens and workflows to meet exact department needs.
SIA GovSummit 2023 is the Nation’s Premier Government Security Conference Connecting Government, Security and Technology.