for Gyms & Healthclubs
IDlink for Gym & Healthclub by Identity One using finger biometrics and barcode support is designed to be an immediate
drop-in replacement for your current means of checking in your members.
Cardless Check-In with IDlink
IDlink’s cardless check-in using finger biometrics is designed to be an immediate drop-in replacement for your current means of checking in your members. IDlink is a value add-on for your existing membership management software.
How does cardless check-in operationally work?
Cardless check-in does NOT replace your existing membership management software. Cardless check-in is an add-on to your existing membership software just like a card reader or bar code reader. Instead of members carrying a card, they simply present their finger to sign in. If your front desk staff normally greet your members, your front desk staff still greet your members like normal.

How does cardless check-in technically work?
Your existing membership management system uses a unique ID for every one of your active members. When a member presents their card or barcode, this unique ID is read by the card reader or bar code reader. Instead, IDlink uses fingerprints. When a member presents their fingerprint, the unique ID is read from their fingerprint. This unique ID is used by your membership software to find the member’s data record to confirm their membership is valid to perform a check-in.
Keyboard Wedge mode vs Integrated mode
Our engineers have designed IDlink to function in one of two ways. The first is keyboard wedge mode. Simply replace your barcode scanners or card readers with IDlink fingerprint biometric scanners and you have immediate use of cardless check-in with your existing membership management software.The second mode is integrated mode. We have partnered with several software companies that have chosen to integrate our software into their own. This allows the gym owner/operator to simply initiate the enrollment process directly from the membership software. Integration streamlines the enrollment process for a quicker workflow. It is possible to integrate IDlink into your own solution.

Cardless Check-In Benefits
Save Money
Cardless check-in using finger biometrics is very cost effective. Compared to the costs of issuing new RFID cards or bar codes when they are lost and the potential reduction in fraud, a cardless check-in system based on finger biometrics is often cheaper from its first day of use.
Save time
Your employees should no longer spend time issuing cards or reissuing lost, stolen or damaged cards. Time spent on this can disrupt the workflow of a front desk check-in situation. With IDlink you will enroll your members’ biometric information once. There is no need to re-enroll across all fingerprint scanners in your network.
Stop fraud
Always know who is in your club. Finger biometrics cannot be copied or shared like cards, barcodes and fobs.
Proven technology
Cardless check-in using finger biometrics is proven at many facilities already. This includes one of the largest health club networks in the world that consists of more than 500 locations and over 5 million members across 18 US states and 3 international locations.
Environmentally friendly
Cardless check-in using finger biometrics is environmentally friendly. Finger biometrics do not require the issuance of plastic cards or plastic bar codes and reduces electronic waste.
Happier members
Members no longer need to remember to carry their cards or barcodes with them.
Your members do not need to worry that unknown people may be using your facilities. IDlink prevents fraud by using each member’s fingerprint biometrics.
IDlink uses Morpho fingerprint scanners which use highly sophisticated algorithms that turn a fingerprint into a data stream called a biometric template. This highly secure form of member identification replaces old technology like bar code scanners and card readers for a more foolproof and secure method to assure accurate check-in.
Plug and Play
IDlink is simple to set up and operate. The equipment is powered and connected by USB to a Windows-based computer. Download and install the IDlink software and connect the equipment to start using it. Our team has worked very hard to ensure that IDlink will function as an immediate drop-in replacement for your current card readers or barcode scanners. In fact, IDlink works exactly like a barcode scanner!
Cloud based
IDlink is cloud-based. What does this mean for you? Every time a member’s biometric template is created at the time of enrollment, IDlink securely stores that information on our cloud servers. There is no need to store that information locally at your fitness center. We establish and maintain our own servers for ease of use and peace of mind.

Fingerprint Technology Overview
The unique nature of a fingerprint makes it ideal for use in automated recognition systems. A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and grooves. Once a fingerprint is captured the system locates the minutia points. These minutia points occur where the lines of the ridges begin, end, branch off and merge with other ridge lines. These points are then mapped and a line is drawn between each point. This creates a map of how each point relates to the other points. The map is then stored as a data stream called a minutia template in a database for future comparison with other presented fingerprints. It is important to note that during the entire process no fingerprint images are stored on the system and a fingerprint image cannot be recreated from the minutia template.
IDlink uses IDEMIA biometric technology. IDEMIA’s biometric technology have been in use by public and private sector clients around the world. IDEMIA’s proprietary biometric algorithms and sensor technologies, combined with their design and manufacturing expertise, has made them the world number one in this market.
IDEMIA’s algorithms are ranked first in evaluations conducted by the American NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Minutiae Interoperability Exchange Test (MINEX), Minutiae Interoperability Exchange Test Ongoing (OMINEX), IV IREX (Iris Exchange) and Proprietary Fingerprint template (PFT II) for identity verification 1-1.
In the most recent MINEX tests, IDEMIA ranked first in all 3 major categories:
- For fingerprint matching accuracy, Morpho’s results are 60% higher than the next closest vendor.
- In template interoperability, Morpho’s results are 10% higher than the next closest vendor.
- For matcher interoperability, Morpho’s scored 44% better than the next closest vendor.

Fingerprint images vs. biometric templates
IDlink does not store fingerprint images on its cloud servers. During enrollment, IDlink uses sophisticated algorithms to convert a live fingerprint image into a string of ones and zeros. We call this the biometric template. This template, along with a unique member ID and a verification hint are all that IDlink securely stores on its servers. No personal information is stored. It is also important to note that it is impossible to take the biometric template and convert it back into a fingerprint image. Rest-assured, your members’ information remains anonymous, safe and secure.

30 day money back
There is absolutely no risk to try the solution. If you are not completely satisfied with its value, simply return the equipment to us within the first 30 days of your service for a full refund.
How do I buy it
IDlink is a subscription model to make it easy and affordable. The monthly subscription fee is recurring and may be canceled at any time. This monthly fee includes hardware, hardware replacement if needed, software and our cloud-based matching services. The subscription also includes total turnkey support and all upgrades to our software as we make improvements. Subscriptions are purchased through membership software companies or independent dealers. Contact us today so that we may introduce you to the appropriate vendor.
Download the current version of the IDlink Attended Subscription software via the link below:
For Developers
View sample HTML/JavaScript for integrating the IDlink software into your application workflow(s). Samples demonstrate registration, identification & verification.
Attended check-in hardware

2.2” x 2.9” x 3.4”
2.2” x 2.9” x 3.4”
1 lbs.
1.2 lbs.
Two-tone gray
Supported opperating systems
Windows 10 / Windows 11
Operating conditions
Indoors only (Usually placed on the check-in counter) 32–104°F Ambient temperature 10–80% non-condensing ambient relative humidity
Software Vendor
Contact to buy

Manual enrollment Automated check-in

Health Club Systems
One click enrollment
Yes. IDlink is an add-on application to work alongside your existing software. It runs in the background and interaction with the app is not required.
IDlink is downloaded from the web. After installing the application, the hardware is connected. IDlink uses a Morpho MSO-300 fingerprint scanner and a numerical keypad. These devices connect via USB.
IDlink works out of the box and no settings need to be adjusted.
IDlink is easy to install and requires only the most basic knowledge about computers.
A unique ID, a hint and a biometric template (not a fingerprint image).
Yes. IDlink does not store or use any personal details. A unique ID and a hint are the only details that IDlink store. Furthermore, IDlink uses a biometric template and not a fingerprint image. This template is generated by Morpho’s sophisticated algorithm and cannot be reverse engineered to an image. In the unlikely event of a security breach, the details would be useless to the hacker.
No. IDlink never shares any information.
IDlink does not store any user details, which means there are no details to share. And other parties cannot use the biometric template without knowing who it belongs to.
The information we store is of no value to any other parties.