Mobile / Handheld TWIC Compliance
We are your TWIC Compliance experts. Identity One products are on the TWIC QTL, support a wide range physical access control systems and multiple fixed and mobile reader platforms. Pick the TWIC Compliance components that best suites your facilities and employees specific use case. Follow the steps below to design your TWIC Compliance solution.
Step 1. Mobile Readers or Fixed Readers?
When reviewing your TWIC compliance needs first determine if you need a Mobile reader solution, a fixed reader solution or a mobile and fixed reader solution.
- Mobile Readers: Handheld and portable. Security personnel can carry it with them.
- Fixed Readers: Mounted to a wall or fence. Typically controls a door or boom gate for vehicles and people.
- Mobile & Fixed Readers: Combine both together for a larger sites with more complex needs and a fully integrated system.

Step 2. Stand-alone or Integrated?
Do you only need to validate the person and TWIC card are genuine or do you additionally need to validate the person has access at your facility?
- Stand-alone: The person and TWIC card are validated to be genuine, not expired and not on the Cancelled Card List. Logs of this validation are stored and available for review by the Coastguard as needed.
- Integrated: In addition to the steps above in stand-alone, the person and TWIC card is validated against your physical access control system. Optionally doors and boom gates may be opened directly from the handheld mobile device.
Step 3. Which Hardware Platform?
Choose from four (4) different hardware platforms. Pick the best hardware platform that matches your needs for form factor, size, robustness, available accessories, cellular connectivity and budget.
FIPSlink comes pre-loaded on your hardware platform of choice and provides stand-alone TWIC Compliance

Step 4. Where to buy?
Identity One FIPSlink Mobile / Handheld TWIC solutions are available through physical access control distribution channels. Enter your details below and we will connect you to