TWIC Compliance Readers In Stock

Approved TWIC® card readers have important designations as tamper-resistant biometric credential verification systems used for port security. The Transportation Worker Identification Credential program is required by the Maritime Transportation Security Act, regulated by the Transportation Security Administration and enforced by the United States Coast Guard. Currently, maritime workers and visitors needing unescorted access to secure areas of our nation’s port facilities are required to present a valid TWIC® card. To obtain an identification card, an individual must provide historical data and biometric information. To pass a TSA security threat assessment, the TWIC® card must contain fingerprints and digital photo.
TWIC® credentials contain an integrated circuit chip that stores the individual’s biographic and biometric data. If a contactless reader is used, the TWIC® card can be read by holding it near the device or insert into the device similar to credit card readers. In addition to meeting the MTSA requirements for port entry, a TWIC® credential is required for unescorted access to high-risk chemical facilities. Identity One’s FIPSlink provides the perfect solution for ports in need of a TWIC® identification management system. FIPSlink seamlessly integrates to your access control system for employee management with TWIC® verification for fast and cost-effective compliance.
Disclaimer: TWIC® is a federally registered trademark owned by the Department of Homeland Security and use herein does not imply endorsement of products or services. Identity One LLC is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, or any other government entity.